Tuesday, March 9, 2010

chris & rihanna

There were many other celebrities that did things they wish they could take back and regret but the media wont allow them to look away from. Pop sensation Chris Brown and the Bahamas princess Rihanna were famous for the physical altercations that happened between the two while on there way to the Grammy’s Rihanna began to go through Chris’s phone. Chris tried to deny what Rihanna saw & that’s when the beating began. No one actually knows what happened in that car except the two. Neither party wanted to speak about the situation but that didn’t stop it from being exposed. Pictures, videos, & documentations were recorded. Another situation similar to this with a boyfriend & girlfriend was on page 54 of the daily news it showed no updates up the couple or how the female felt. She was abused way more that Rihanna this just shows how much the American culture is obsessed with celebrities.

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